In today's world of universal religion, personal development, and life coaching, everyone is seeking for ways to improve their chances of experiencing a productive and successful life. The term "positive attitude" is used all over the place and it is finding its way into Christian theology and doctrine. There is some merit to the concept of keeping a positive attitude but alone it has no real power.
To have a "positive attitude" is to view your future with an optimistic outlook. You trust that everything is going to be alright and the stars will align even through the most difficult times. People around the world are told to keep their hopes up and things will work out in their favor. However, stopping there is not good enough because it doesn't answer the big questions. Who will help orchestrate and deliver the promises we so desire? Who will "align the stars" for us? Who will step in when human knowledge and capability fail?
For an evangeleader, keeping a positive attitude really means living in faith. Faith brings clarity and closure to those big questions. Faith bridges the gap between earthly wisdom and divine intervention. Faith is a proclamation that God is needed.
Recently, I found myself walking with a very unfaithful mindset. I was frustrated, doubtful, and overwhelmed. These feelings were ultimately impacting my mood, my outlook towards the future, and even my speech. Why was I feeling this way? I came to the conclusion that I wasn't walking in faith. I wasn't trusting the secret promises that God has spoken to me throughout the years and I was losing hope. When you lose hope, the signs of defeat begin to emerge.
Are the signs of defeat beginning to show up in your daily life? Depression, doubt, anxiety, anger, a decrease in passion?
If I was Dr. Phil I would say, "You need to keep a positive attitude". However, I know about something that can deliver amazing results if your willing to patiently carry it through life.
"...who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle..."
- Hebrews 11:33-34
Pop the Culture,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Faith vs. Positive Attitude
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
9:02 AM
Friday, April 4, 2008
"Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.
But the Lord said to me:
Do not say, 'I am a youth,' For you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak....Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant."
- Jeremiah 1:6-10
The story of Jeremiah is a great one. He was called out by God to be a mouthpiece that would proclaim a difficult word to the people of Judah. The first few verses in this book describe a turning point where Jeremiah moves from a normal routine into the challenging call that God had appointed for him. He was on the verge of entering a great new opportunity.
Notice Jeremiah's initial reactions:
1. "Ah Lord God!" - Anxiety
2. "I can't speak for I am a youth" - Doubt in capability and power
You can't blame Jeremiah for his reaction. I mean c'mon, he was called to go before leaders and tell them that they need to change how they live and renew their relationship with the Lord.
Jeremiah did what most people would do. He looked at himself first.
Aha! #1: Look in the mirror and you will see your biggest challenge.
When you read Jeremiah further, you will find our hope and a key message. It was God who called him. It was God who would give Jeremiah the words to say. It was God who would protect him and it was God who would establish Jeremiah's authority.
Aha! #2: God is big time. We're small time. God still works with us, around us, and in us.
You will be called to a new challenging opportunity. As an Evangeleader, new promotions, new jobs, new projects, big meetings, and new leadership roles are going to be a part of your life. Its a fact that Gen X and Y leaders will find themselves in these situations. Fear, anxiety, and doubt are bound to arise but we can all learn from Jeremiah's life that confidence is not an innate gifting. The confidence you need to take on the next "big thing" in your life comes from God alone. Don't believe the hype of those 7 step books that say confidence is found by exercising your inner strength. Heh?
Aha! #3: True confidence is a by-product of God's strength and grace working in your life.
Its not a one time experience. Confidence is developed over time as you allow Christ to flex a little muscle. Move forward when you hear the call and remember what the Lord says..."I am with you".
Pop the Culture,
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
11:46 AM