“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
- Matthew 5:16
When you think about the Evangeleader “brand”, think about the root word Evangelist. What does it mean?
Historically, an evangelist has been defined as someone who preaches the gospel to groups of people. There are two other definitions that I find interesting:
1. A person who first brought the gospel to a city or region.
2. A person marked by enthusiasm for or support of any cause.
Do we have to preach the gospel to be an evangelistic leader? The answer is no. For one, to preach you must have the God given ability to do so. Some of us are not called to be preachers. More than preaching, an Evangeleader is called to evangelize through “enthusiasm” and “support” for the cause of Christ. Without compromise, your heart should be invested into the message of Christ and the development of the church body. This means that no matter how successful you are in your career or how much influence you gain in the public market, your heart's focus is still fixated on the agenda of Christ. When push comes to shove, your decisions are guided by a Christ perspective. As you consistently integrate your relationship with God into your daily activities, you begin to give off a noticeable reflection. A unique and distinctive light. You begin to project the image of Christ. Without a sermon and many times without a word, you evangelize the people around you through your good works. Your life becomes a defining statement… “I support the cause of Christ”.
God is taking His Evangeleaders into new and uncharted territory. He is branching out into industries, markets, schools, and professions where the cause of Christ is not represented sufficiently. Will you be the first to bring light to a particular region? Maybe that region is a new company or maybe it’s a new team 3 floors below you. It could be your 9 am math class.
At the core of an Evangeleader is the value of evangelistic leadership. You are a person who has been designed to do great things in the public market and to carry the gospel to each “new city” or “region” you may enter. You are a walking billboard advertising the God who has transformed your life. Be enthusiastic about your faith, don’t be ashamed of the gospel, support the Church, and allow God to accomplish good works through you on a consistent basis. In other words…just shine!
Stay tuned for more thoughts regarding the Evangeleader brand!
Pop the Culture,
Bro. Wize
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
E-Leader Brand - Pt 2 - Light
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
2:25 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Building Your Personal Brand - Part 1
“Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”
- Matthew 7:17
In the business world of products and services, defining your BRAND is a huge success factor. Nike, Apple, Starbucks, BMW, and thousands of others have built brands that convey a message or an ideal. Their name and logo strikes a chord in the minds of the public and we immediately develop an impression. Ultimately, everything they do builds and represents that brand.
When I think of Apple, I think of innovation, cutting edge technology, futuristic design, and simplicity. Apple has a brand that says, ”Our products are simple to use, light years beyond the competition, and we’re COOL.” Their IPods, desktop computers, laptops, and software all support that brand. Nike has built a legacy brand that is still strong. When we think competitive sports apparel, we think NIKE. Their brand message is to go all out in life, be a winner, push yourself to the limit and just do it. Branding is EVERYWHERE and not only in the business world. Did you know you carry a brand?
The minute you walk out of your door, you become a mobile billboard. The clothes you wear, to the way you talk, the job you hold, the work you produce, your attitude, and even your facial expression contribute to your personal brand. If you exercise this particular set of behaviors consistently over time, you strengthen your brand whether bad or good.
In today’s world of public leadership, building a personal brand is something we have to be conscious of. As an Evangeleader, what market are you trying to influence? Does your brand image, both externally and internally, influence that market effectively? These are questions we should ask ourselves in order to create an influential brand in the public arena.
During the next several weeks, we’re going to dive into the Evangeleader brand. What is it? How do we align with that brand? Remember, the goal is to maximize our influence and make it tangible, measurable, and real. Don’t get stuck in the “potential zone”!
As we begin this “brand” journey, ask yourself, “What is the brand image I convey on a daily basis?” Does it need some tweaking and improvement? How does the Lord feel about your personal brand? Till next time…
Pop the Culture,
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
12:14 PM
Labels: Apple, brand, influence, leadership