Monday, August 13, 2007

Read Before You Lead...

“As children, desire the pure milk of the WORD, that you may grow...”
– 1 Peter 2:2

Reading the Bible is essential to Christian growth but let’s face it, it can be boring at times. You know that feeling you get when you should read the Word but something inside you is saying, “C’mon, I don’t feel like it” and then you end up watching CSI Miami till you fall asleep :-) The Word of God is comprehensive, detailed, filled with doctrine, laced with convicting passages, and loaded with verses that can be very difficult to follow, especially if you’re reading the New King James version.

On the flipside, the Word is a necessary ingredient for growth and success as Christian leaders in today's pop culture. It is our spiritual food, our guide to victorious living, a source of powerful wisdom, and it is a reflection of God's will and character.I asked my young adult bible study class why they have trouble getting into the Scriptures on a daily basis and the answers were not that surprising. Here is what they said:

- My daily routine does not allow for it
- I wait till the end of the day and fall asleep while reading
- It is hard to understand
- I don't know where to start reading
- I don't feel "into it" when reading
- My current life circumstances get in the way
- I feel like I can learn the Word as time goes on and that I'm ok where I am

I'm sure many of us can relate to some of these responses! We just have to remember that being an evangeleader means approaching our Christian walk with desire and urgency. This is not an easy task. There are tons of church-going Christians that get their knowledge from one Sunday service every week. The evangeleader is dedicated to consistent and frequent time with God’s word. How else will we be able to influence pop culture and the marketplace unless we are equipped? Being a Christian in the church bubble is easy, but being a Christian on the frontlines of pop culture is another ball game.

With that in mind, here are few suggestions to help us all down the road of spiritual growth through God’s Word…

Before reading the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to overcome your old nature. Our old nature doesn’t want the things of God. Pray for desire and understanding.

Ask the Lord to forgive you of any of your faults and shortcomings. Don’t let guilt stop you from reading the Bible. The Word is there to help you, not hurt you!

Set a REALISTIC goal and budget a time to spend in the Word. Let’s say 15 minutes Mon. – Fri. to start off. Build your endurance over time. Don’t try reading the whole Bible cover to cover in 3 months…especially at night!

Read with direction. If you want to learn more about Jesus and His life, read the Gospels. If you want more instruction on living, read the letters of the apostles. Need more wisdom? Read Proverbs. Supplemental devotionals may give you some helpful direction. Don’t just open the book and start reading blindly!

Remind yourself of the Word’s value. Don’t read because you have to. Know that God’s love is also in His Word, and He wants us to grow and be successful in our purpose.

Lead On,

Bro. Wize

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like this idea, make sure to keep it updated