“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.” - 1 Corinthians 12:28
When you look at this verse, you may think that the apostle Paul is ranking the value of individuals based on what they do. For example, since church member Bob is a teacher, he is worth more than church member Steve. In current day Christianity, pastors, teachers, prophets, and pretty much any stage personality is held in high regard. All these important members of the church are worthy of honor and respect, but I believe the scripture here is highlighting God’s top priorities. So what are His priorities?
First comes your spiritual/eternal health,
Then comes your natural/earthly needs,
Then the operation of the church organization.
It so happens that the various gifts and members of the body are meant to fulfill these strategic priorities.
Apostles, prophets, and teachers are called to build people up by delivering the word of God and helping people grow to become “established” Christians. Apostles are sent forth by God to build, teach, and expand the church body. Prophets deliver a word in a timely manner to challenge, encourage, and warn the people. Teachers have the keen ability to communicate principles, critical truth, and doctrine in a way that can be understood by people growing in their faith. Some chosen people have been given elements of all of these gifts. The key is to realize that God places the WORD and your spiritual strength at the top of his “to do” list. The Lord uses apostles, prophets, and teachers to complete this mission.
Let’s not forget about your natural and physical needs! Even though your eternal health is most important, God is also focused on your earthly requests. We all want health, financial stability, strength, assistance, and miraculous doors to be opened. It is hard for some people, even Christians, to believe that God can still work miracles, heal the sick, and blow our minds through His power. It is awesome to watch the Spirit work through human hands and through prayer. He also uses others around us to be of service and provide help when we’re in need.
After your spiritual and natural health, God now looks at how we operate his church organization. To effectively fulfill the mission, there is a need for strategic leadership and administration. A faith based organization cannot run without a plan, policies, process, and procedures. It also requires a vision and goals!
As an Evangeleader, always remember God’s priorities and how they build upon each other. When we are in line with His priorities…the miraculous starts to happen!
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