2 Peter 1:5-8
“…giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren (ineffective) nor unfruitful (unproductive) in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Last weekend I had a team retreat with our young adult ministry leaders. It was a powerful weekend where we developed in our friendships, gained a better understanding of each other, gained consensus on the vision, and prayerfully developed a strategy to reach that big picture. To focus our minds for the weekend, I lead the team in a brief discussion on Friday night. One of the key themes of that discussion was the end all objective of being “fruitful” as individuals and as a ministry.
Being “fruitful” is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Welcome to Jesus 101…He is the True Vine (John 15). When we abide in Him, we bear fruit or in other words works, character, speech, and other demonstrations of Christ’s divine nature and purpose.
Your Christianity is founded on grace and faith but is firmly established through the revelation of fruit in your life. This process of establishing yourself requires the “E” word. Effort.
The passage in 2 Peter referenced above communicates a message of diligence, patient growth, and continuous development. This applies both to our spiritual and our natural activities on earth. When diligent effort is directed towards our relationship with God and the works He has entrusted us to complete, we exude life and fruitfulness.
Evangeleaders do not stop at just faith, but they continue down the path of Godly self development. Show me a successful and fruitful Christian, and I’ll show you a person who has applied a consistent amount of effort. You might be asking, “Well, what kind of effort?” Here are a few examples:
1. Study God’s Word…consistently.
2. Pray and talk with God on a regular basis.
3. Commit to developing in the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5).
4. Diligently pursue knowledge and wisdom in your field of purpose. (School, mentorship, reading, research, etc.)
5. Consistently apply new knowledge.
If we put effort into this journey, we will see some remarkable results…God’s promise.
Pop the Culture,
Friday, November 2, 2007
E-Leader Brand pt. 4 - "E" for Effort
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
1:42 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Closed Doors
“Nevertheless not My will, but Yours…”
- Luke 22:42
You don’t see people really looking for doors to be closed in their life, do you? It’s not natural for us to look for opportunities to fall to the floor, plans to crumble before us, and persistence to produce little to no results.
To avoid these scenarios, we seek after doors to be opened. We pray for “the big” to happen. C’mon, we live in a society where we require options to be available. Pain and rejection is what we aim to avoid at all costs.
But there is something so exciting about closed doors. If you look closely, you may see someone much bigger than you influencing the situation.
Here are some familiar closed doors that seem to be open for a select few people, but not you. Don’t worry, many people can relate!
Chance happenings - For example, a soon to be actor that’s spotted randomly in the mall by an agent. The seemingly great job that the other guy or girl just happens to get out of nowhere.
Environment – Imagine this. What if you were born in Hawaii? Or into a millionaire family that owns a high-rise condo in New York? What if your dad was an NFL coach and trained you to be a pro athlete?
Lucky Thoughts – Don’t you wish you were the one who thought of creating Google? You drink coffee but never thought to launch Starbucks. If you only made that you-tube video, you would be FAMOUS. It seems everyone else has the great ideas!
The Knack – Trump has the keen business sense. Beyonce has the star quality in addition to a perfect voice. Will Smith is a multi-talented, multi-millionaire. It kind of makes me sick…lol.
In life, closed doors are a way for God to guide us in His will and purpose. Notice I said HIS. Closed doors are as powerful and as vital as open opportunities. If we’re fully submitted, it’s easy to see God channeling us towards a clear path that has been designed for us. Don’t lose hope. There are “chance” happenings and life changing thoughts that are around the corner but they may not fit your natural expectations.
As you pursue your goals, pray for both open AND closed doors. His plan, His way, His timing. Look at closed doors with the eyes of faith because there is something divine in the works. Facing a closed door in your life? Don't worry, it's all part of the bigger picture. Lord, let thy will be done.
Pop The Culture,
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
8:07 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
E-Leader Brand - pt. 3 - Self Aware
"Do not neglect the gift that is in you..."
- 1 Timothy 4:14
Maximizing your influence in the public arena requires a solid understanding of your capabilities, strengths, and gifts. The influence of an Evangeleader expands as he or she commits to leveraging these capabilities and centering their life mission around them.
The reason why so many believers are unproductive in life is because we focus our time, energy, and other resources in the wrong zones. We hold onto faith, but our daily efforts don’t align with what we’ve been created to do. Yes, we’ve been created to love, glorify our creator, and serve others. That strategy to life is an overarching vision but lacks a tactical approach. The question is HOW should we fulfill that vision? It’s the “HOW” that adds substance to our daily lives. The “How” is tangible, measurable, and REAL. Answering the question “How?” requires a level of self-awareness.
You’ve heard it a billion times from preachers and pastors…”you’ve been given a gift”. The funny thing is if we all know this, how come we’re still stuck in unfulfilling jobs. How come we carry this sense that there is something else we should be doing. In fact, many believers cannot clearly write down their capabilities and how they intend on using them.
The core of an Evangeleader’s journey consists of:
- Defining your capabilities and strengths (gifts and talents)
- Refining and developing those capabilities
- Devoting resources (emotions, thoughts, time, finances, etc.) to those capabilities
- Seeking opportunities to exercise those strengths and capabilities – In other words, walking in your design.
Evangeleaders differ from other believers because they not only have faith, but they are aware of how they should be used in life. They continue to align their efforts with their God given design. In fact, God gives us more grace when we are walking in our “calling”. We are energized, empowered, and motivated to keep moving forward. I’ve also observed that doors are opened to support your advancement when you faithfully give yourself over to purpose.
Don’t waste another day not knowing and leveraging your core abilities. Self-awareness is necessary in order to position yourself where you can influence others and serve our God. Here are some practical self-awareness tips:
- Ask God to reveal the unique strengths He has given you.
- Be attentive and alert. Watch for what you do well and what sparks enthusiasm.
- Patience. Remember it’s a journey.
- Try new things
- Ask questions (see the Power of Questions blog entry)
- Address discontent and restlessness quickly. Get to the root of it.
- Be willing to let go. Hold onto the good and get rid of the weights that keep you from moving.
Creation implies purpose and purpose is carried out through "gifts"...don't neglect the gift that is in you!
If you’ve found these blog entries beneficial, please subscribe using the buttons to your top right. I’d like to keep in touch with you!
Pop The Culture,
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
9:23 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
E-Leader Brand - Pt 2 - Light
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
- Matthew 5:16
When you think about the Evangeleader “brand”, think about the root word Evangelist. What does it mean?
Historically, an evangelist has been defined as someone who preaches the gospel to groups of people. There are two other definitions that I find interesting:
1. A person who first brought the gospel to a city or region.
2. A person marked by enthusiasm for or support of any cause.
Do we have to preach the gospel to be an evangelistic leader? The answer is no. For one, to preach you must have the God given ability to do so. Some of us are not called to be preachers. More than preaching, an Evangeleader is called to evangelize through “enthusiasm” and “support” for the cause of Christ. Without compromise, your heart should be invested into the message of Christ and the development of the church body. This means that no matter how successful you are in your career or how much influence you gain in the public market, your heart's focus is still fixated on the agenda of Christ. When push comes to shove, your decisions are guided by a Christ perspective. As you consistently integrate your relationship with God into your daily activities, you begin to give off a noticeable reflection. A unique and distinctive light. You begin to project the image of Christ. Without a sermon and many times without a word, you evangelize the people around you through your good works. Your life becomes a defining statement… “I support the cause of Christ”.
God is taking His Evangeleaders into new and uncharted territory. He is branching out into industries, markets, schools, and professions where the cause of Christ is not represented sufficiently. Will you be the first to bring light to a particular region? Maybe that region is a new company or maybe it’s a new team 3 floors below you. It could be your 9 am math class.
At the core of an Evangeleader is the value of evangelistic leadership. You are a person who has been designed to do great things in the public market and to carry the gospel to each “new city” or “region” you may enter. You are a walking billboard advertising the God who has transformed your life. Be enthusiastic about your faith, don’t be ashamed of the gospel, support the Church, and allow God to accomplish good works through you on a consistent basis. In other words…just shine!
Stay tuned for more thoughts regarding the Evangeleader brand!
Pop the Culture,
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
2:25 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Building Your Personal Brand - Part 1
“Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”
- Matthew 7:17
In the business world of products and services, defining your BRAND is a huge success factor. Nike, Apple, Starbucks, BMW, and thousands of others have built brands that convey a message or an ideal. Their name and logo strikes a chord in the minds of the public and we immediately develop an impression. Ultimately, everything they do builds and represents that brand.
When I think of Apple, I think of innovation, cutting edge technology, futuristic design, and simplicity. Apple has a brand that says, ”Our products are simple to use, light years beyond the competition, and we’re COOL.” Their IPods, desktop computers, laptops, and software all support that brand. Nike has built a legacy brand that is still strong. When we think competitive sports apparel, we think NIKE. Their brand message is to go all out in life, be a winner, push yourself to the limit and just do it. Branding is EVERYWHERE and not only in the business world. Did you know you carry a brand?
The minute you walk out of your door, you become a mobile billboard. The clothes you wear, to the way you talk, the job you hold, the work you produce, your attitude, and even your facial expression contribute to your personal brand. If you exercise this particular set of behaviors consistently over time, you strengthen your brand whether bad or good.
In today’s world of public leadership, building a personal brand is something we have to be conscious of. As an Evangeleader, what market are you trying to influence? Does your brand image, both externally and internally, influence that market effectively? These are questions we should ask ourselves in order to create an influential brand in the public arena.
During the next several weeks, we’re going to dive into the Evangeleader brand. What is it? How do we align with that brand? Remember, the goal is to maximize our influence and make it tangible, measurable, and real. Don’t get stuck in the “potential zone”!
As we begin this “brand” journey, ask yourself, “What is the brand image I convey on a daily basis?” Does it need some tweaking and improvement? How does the Lord feel about your personal brand? Till next time…
Pop the Culture,
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
12:14 PM
Labels: Apple, brand, influence, leadership
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Embracing Risk
“Fear not for I AM with you; be not dismayed for I AM your God.”
- Isaiah 41:10
I’ve been learning more and more about myself as an evangeleader and one of the challenges I face is my own aversion towards risk. It is something I’ve had to face in the mirror, question, and manage in order to get where I am today. Ever since I started pursuing my true calling in 2000, it has been a journey of making decisions that require me to embrace risk.
Risk is defined as “exposure to the chance of injury or loss.” Certain decisions may expose us to a loss of money, respect, image, comfort, stability, riches, or even bodily health. When we fly, we are exposed to the possibility of crashing into the open sea. When we eat, we’re exposed to the chance of food poisoning, but most of us do these things without thinking much about the risk involved. Why?
Well, for one, we see the great benefit of eating and flying. In my case, if I don’t eat, I’ll disappear…so it is not an option for me :) I also highly doubt anyone wants to sail across the sea or drive to every work assignment that is several states away. We take on risk because of the overwhelming benefit.
Also note that we take on the risk of everyday decisions because somehow we have already estimated the possibility of experiencing loss or injury. We fly on vacation because we doubt anything would really happen. The possibility of injury or loss is very low. There are no equations or statistics running through our minds, we simply move forward because past experience and our observations give us a feeling of comfort.
As an Evangeleader, the ability to embrace risk is going to be a huge part of your success. Decisions to follow a career path, move across the country, take a new promotion, start a small business, or enter the mission field cannot be made without embracing risk. If we live in fear of the risks involved in life, it will be very difficult to fulfill our calling and glorify God at our maximum potential.
Before you opt out of your next decision because of the risk involved, consider these 3 key points:
1. First, what is the potential benefit of embracing the risk?
2. Second, think about your past experiences with God. Has he demonstrated a pattern of letting you down? Probably not. If so, you have to question whether your decisions were outside of His will.
3. Third, before you run towards your comfort zone, what do you observe in the lives of other men and women of faith. Has God let them down when they made a Godly and Risky decision?
Past experience should tell you that God delivers big time and observing God’s hand in the lives of others will just reinforce that fact. Remember, the Evangeleader is not just a leader in society. We’re leaders that walk with the Author and Finisher of our faith. Learn to embrace risk, because the benefits could be beyond your imagination.
Pop the Culture,
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
2:43 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Power of Questions
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ASK of GOD, who gives to all liberally and without reproach…”
- James 1:5
During my own journey as an Evangeleader, there are many answers that I’ve been looking for. However, with every answer, there has to be a preceding question…wow, that’s deep right? (Joking)
There are many students and professionals that find themselves looking for their life vision to be defined, a next step, the lost piece to the puzzle, a new opportunity…some overall sense of direction. Our mind begins looking for answers and wisdom for where we should be. We then begin to experience the swirl of confusion, doubt, and hopelessness. I’ve been there and at times I still feel it.
Why do we feel this way? Well, it’s because sometimes we look for answers without probing with the right foundational questions. When we don’t proactively ask the right questions, our journey becomes reactive and we wait for the next big clue to appear out of nowhere. We end up waiting for a great dream to come to us at night. I’m sure some of us have prayed for that!
Life guiding questions are an important part of personal progress as an Evangeleader. Have you hit a point of confusion? Do you feel you’ve hit a plateau in your career? Are you frustrated with being stuck in limbo land? As a student, do you know where to go after you walk off the graduation platform?
Don’t lose hope. In fact, be encouraged and use well-defined questions to light your path. Here are a few that have benefited my own career and spiritual development:
1. What do I enjoy doing? (Things that I draw energy and excitement from)
2. What am I capable of doing WELL? (talents, gifts, strengths)
3. What are my weaknesses?
4. Am I leveraging my strengths in my current job or curriculum?
5. Does my current job or degree program intrigue me?
6. Can I use it as a stepping stone, or is it just a stone in the way?
7. If where I am is not the best fit, what are some potential destinations? (A new degree program, new job, new career path, etc.)
8. What are some steps that I need to complete to get to that new destination?
9. What opportunities should I test out that are available to me right now?
10. What can I do to start building momentum towards the new destination?
11. What are the limitations and restrictions to my current progress? (fear, money, wisdom, etc.)
12. What can I do to resolve these limitations?
13. What does God have to say about my plans through Word and Prayer? Am I in a place of testing and refinement for a reason?
And the list goes on!
Specific questions are powerful because they force us to dig deep and provide honest answers. Sometimes, the answers are intimidating because you may be challenged to take a step of faith in an opposite direction. Other times, the questions will reveal life changing truths about you.
Don’t live life as it comes. We can never plan every detail of our future ahead of time, but we can at least probe ourselves and God with questions to prevent complacency. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for right away, be patient, wait on the Lord, and keep asking the Source of all wisdom. Your answer is coming.
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
8:37 PM
Labels: christ, hip hop, leadership, pop culture
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Who are you?
“Who once were not a people but are now the people of God...”
- 1 Peter 2: 10
Expanding your influence, changing the world around you, excelling in your career, developing others, pursuing personal development, using your core strengths…what a great journey for the Evangeleader! But you're more than the activities you are involved in. You're more than the influence you are building. There is more to you than meets the eye. Transformers was a great movie by the way!
As you continue to lead in the marketplace, in the arts, in ministry, or any other career calling, the Evangeleader has to have a strong understanding of their IDENTITY. Identity goes deeper than the actions we demonstrate in public. Identity taps into how well we know our roots. Where did we come from? What drives our inner values? If our possessions are gone, what defines us then?
Before we found God, we were traveling through life aimlessly with no sense of purpose to identify with. We were the product of environment changes and other people’s perceptions. We didn’t have much to hope for because without a God to promise a destiny, life was a game of chance. Our values were corrupt and instead of leading, we followed the tide of life.
Now we are Evangeleaders…“the people of God”. You are not just your parent’s child, or an employee, student, or an entrepreneur. You are of God. How is that for an identity? To be of God is to have access to His direction. We have the ability to trust in someone much bigger than ourselves. When we are challenged in our journey, we know that God can guide us on the path of best results. As failure rears its ugly head, we can hold on to the fact that we are a people that have an eternal hope, grace to endure, and the ability to tap into the Divine. God’s character and image is within us, eager to take control.
As you influence pop culture, remind yourself that your identity is in God. Not man, money, activity, or power. First be bold in God then be bold in what God does through you.
Pop The Culture,
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
9:36 AM
Labels: christ, God, leadership
Monday, August 13, 2007
Read Before You Lead...
“As children, desire the pure milk of the WORD, that you may grow...”
– 1 Peter 2:2
Reading the Bible is essential to Christian growth but let’s face it, it can be boring at times. You know that feeling you get when you should read the Word but something inside you is saying, “C’mon, I don’t feel like it” and then you end up watching CSI Miami till you fall asleep :-) The Word of God is comprehensive, detailed, filled with doctrine, laced with convicting passages, and loaded with verses that can be very difficult to follow, especially if you’re reading the New King James version.
On the flipside, the Word is a necessary ingredient for growth and success as Christian leaders in today's pop culture. It is our spiritual food, our guide to victorious living, a source of powerful wisdom, and it is a reflection of God's will and character.I asked my young adult bible study class why they have trouble getting into the Scriptures on a daily basis and the answers were not that surprising. Here is what they said:
- My daily routine does not allow for it
- I wait till the end of the day and fall asleep while reading
- It is hard to understand
- I don't know where to start reading
- I don't feel "into it" when reading
- My current life circumstances get in the way
- I feel like I can learn the Word as time goes on and that I'm ok where I am
I'm sure many of us can relate to some of these responses! We just have to remember that being an evangeleader means approaching our Christian walk with desire and urgency. This is not an easy task. There are tons of church-going Christians that get their knowledge from one Sunday service every week. The evangeleader is dedicated to consistent and frequent time with God’s word. How else will we be able to influence pop culture and the marketplace unless we are equipped? Being a Christian in the church bubble is easy, but being a Christian on the frontlines of pop culture is another ball game.
With that in mind, here are few suggestions to help us all down the road of spiritual growth through God’s Word…
Before reading the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to overcome your old nature. Our old nature doesn’t want the things of God. Pray for desire and understanding.
Ask the Lord to forgive you of any of your faults and shortcomings. Don’t let guilt stop you from reading the Bible. The Word is there to help you, not hurt you!
Set a REALISTIC goal and budget a time to spend in the Word. Let’s say 15 minutes Mon. – Fri. to start off. Build your endurance over time. Don’t try reading the whole Bible cover to cover in 3 months…especially at night!
Read with direction. If you want to learn more about Jesus and His life, read the Gospels. If you want more instruction on living, read the letters of the apostles. Need more wisdom? Read Proverbs. Supplemental devotionals may give you some helpful direction. Don’t just open the book and start reading blindly!
Remind yourself of the Word’s value. Don’t read because you have to. Know that God’s love is also in His Word, and He wants us to grow and be successful in our purpose.
Bro. Wize
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
4:32 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Evangeleaders Know The Top Priority!
“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.” - 1 Corinthians 12:28
When you look at this verse, you may think that the apostle Paul is ranking the value of individuals based on what they do. For example, since church member Bob is a teacher, he is worth more than church member Steve. In current day Christianity, pastors, teachers, prophets, and pretty much any stage personality is held in high regard. All these important members of the church are worthy of honor and respect, but I believe the scripture here is highlighting God’s top priorities. So what are His priorities?
First comes your spiritual/eternal health,
Then comes your natural/earthly needs,
Then the operation of the church organization.
It so happens that the various gifts and members of the body are meant to fulfill these strategic priorities.
Apostles, prophets, and teachers are called to build people up by delivering the word of God and helping people grow to become “established” Christians. Apostles are sent forth by God to build, teach, and expand the church body. Prophets deliver a word in a timely manner to challenge, encourage, and warn the people. Teachers have the keen ability to communicate principles, critical truth, and doctrine in a way that can be understood by people growing in their faith. Some chosen people have been given elements of all of these gifts. The key is to realize that God places the WORD and your spiritual strength at the top of his “to do” list. The Lord uses apostles, prophets, and teachers to complete this mission.
Let’s not forget about your natural and physical needs! Even though your eternal health is most important, God is also focused on your earthly requests. We all want health, financial stability, strength, assistance, and miraculous doors to be opened. It is hard for some people, even Christians, to believe that God can still work miracles, heal the sick, and blow our minds through His power. It is awesome to watch the Spirit work through human hands and through prayer. He also uses others around us to be of service and provide help when we’re in need.
After your spiritual and natural health, God now looks at how we operate his church organization. To effectively fulfill the mission, there is a need for strategic leadership and administration. A faith based organization cannot run without a plan, policies, process, and procedures. It also requires a vision and goals!
As an Evangeleader, always remember God’s priorities and how they build upon each other. When we are in line with His priorities…the miraculous starts to happen!
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
10:25 PM
Running Effectively
“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” – 1 Corinthians 9:4
The legendary Apostle Paul makes a crucial life statement in a very simple manner. At a high level, he gives the key strategy to reaching both earthly goals and our eternal prize. Simply put, we must make sure we’re running effectively.
From a spiritual perspective, we are pressing towards an eternal prize with Christ. The race to see Christ requires us to “run” in a certain manner. For example, we must believe Christ is Lord, we must love God and love others, and we must continue to grow in character and purity. Even though our works do not get us into heaven, we are still accountable unto God to reflect His leadership in our lives.
We can apply the principle of “effective running” in all aspects of life. Not only does God want us to be eternally secure, but He wants us to fully run in our design. What is that burning desire and vision that you see when you think about your future? Do you want to be an actor? Professional musician? Corporate leader? Doctor? Missionary? Teacher? Entrepreneur? In order to see this vision become reality, we can’t just sit on our butts and do nothing! Faith is definitely a critical element to our success, but faith requires us to MOVE. Remember that faith AND works create your future reality. So the question is, are you running in such a way that you will obtain the vision for your life?
There are 168 hours in a week.
~ 50 hours are spent sleeping.
~ 10 hrs spent on the phone.
~ 30 hrs or so socializing/ entertainment/ TV / Misc
~ 40 hrs working or in school
~ 10 hrs driving
~ 28 hrs left to do whatever else…prayer, reading, strategizing, etc.
Are you spending your time wisely and expending your energy on the things that will bring you closer to your vision? Socializing and entertainment are necessary for balance, but are you spending too much time in this area and not enough time studying or praying? Maybe you work too much and a sacrifice is needed in order to make your vision a reality. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I running effectively?” Don’t make excuses on why you haven’t made progress, take action and change how you run!
Before we can begin running, we need to have clarity on God’s will for our lives. His will is His desire, His desires then become our desires, and our desires ultimately drive how we run. Are you clear on what your direction is? What prize are you running for? Begin asking God these questions daily, and start running effectively.
Posted by
Bejoy Philip
9:57 PM